Monday, January 31, 2011

9 Easy Ways to Prevent Falls at Home

While slipping on ice outdoors is a definite health hazard, fall prevention for the elderly starts right inside your own home. Correcting these common hazards will go a long way toward preventing falls.

By Wyatt Myers
Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH

Whether it’s slippery floors, rickety stairs, or electrical cords on the floor, some of the most common causes of falls are actually in your own home, where you might have a false sense of security. That’s why fall prevention starts with creating a living space that’s safe.

Luckily, this doesn’t have to involve major home changes or a complete house remodel. You can make your home a safer place designed for fall prevention in the elderly with just a few basic changes.

Senior care experts offer the following advice for preventing falls at home:

Clean up clutter. The easiest method for preventing falls is to keep your home clean and tidy. Remove all clutter, such as stacks of old newspapers and magazines, especially from hallways and staircases.
Repair or remove tripping hazards. Sometimes, home fixtures can contribute to falls, which in turn lead to back pain and other injuries. Examine every room and hallway, looking for items such as loose carpet, slippery throw rugs, or wood floorboards that stick up. Then repair, remove, or replace those items for more effective fall prevention.
Install grab bars and hand rails. These safety devices are the keys to going up and down stairs, getting on and off the toilet, and in and out of the bathtub without injuring yourself. Gary Kaplan, DO, founder and medical director of the Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine in McLean, Va., suggests installing grab bars by toilets and bathtubs and handrails in stairways and hallways for fall prevention in the elderly. Have a handyman or family member help with this, if needed.

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