Thursday, July 2, 2009

Senior Center Will Close Without Funding

Senior center will close without funding

11:51 AM EDT on Thursday, July 2, 2009
By NewsChannel 36 Staff
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CORNELIUS, N.C. -- The North Mecklenburg Senior Center in Cornelius will be forced to close in 90 days if the center doesn't raise enough money to offset funding cut by the United Way.

A drop in donations forced the United Way to cut 30 percent of their funding to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Senior Centers. That's about $66,000. continue reading

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Coping With the Stress of Being A Caregiver

Caregiver: Stressed Out? Advice to Help You Cope

Sometimes, the pressure of caring for someone who is elderly or who has a chronic illness can lead to stress and a condition called "caregiver burnout." To prevent this, it's essential to know how to manage your stress.

What Is Stress?

Stress is a reaction to changes that require you to adjust or respond. Our bodies are designed to feel stress and react to it. Not always a bad thing, stress keeps us alert and ready to escape danger.

It's not always possible to avoid change or the situations that can cause stress; as a result, you can begin to feel overwhelmed and unable to cope. When it persists, stress can affect the body's immune system, leading to illness. The key to coping with stress is to identify the causes of stress in your life, then learn healthy ways to deal with them. It's important to remember that stress comes from how you respond to stressful events. Therefore, you have some control over stress and how it affects you.

What Causes Stress?

Stress can be caused by anything that requires you to adjust to a change in your environment. Your body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. We all have our own ways of coping with change, so the causes of stress can be different for each person. Becoming a caregiver is a common source of stress for many people.

When you are not sure of the exact cause of your stress, it may be helpful to know the warning signs. Once you can identify these signs, you can learn how your body responds. Then you can take appropriate steps to reduce the stress.

What Are the Warning Signs of Stress?

Your body sends out physical, emotional, and behavioral warning signs of stress. continue reading at